(taken from : Young learners by Sarah Phillips; Oxford University Press 1993

This is a story about a Daddy frog, Mummy frog, Sister frog, Brother frog, and Baby frog. Point to the pictures as you name the frogs.
It was hot - very hot, Wipe your forehead, and make "hot" gestures.
And Daddy frog Point to the picture of Daddy frog and squat down beside the pond.
Went jump, jump and sat on a leaf on the pond. Jump three times and sit on the leaf on the pond.
Mummy frog was hot - very, very hot. Point to Mummy frog, squat by the pond and make "hot" gestures.
So Daddy frog said "Come here!" Point to Daddy frog, return to the leaf and beckon to Mummy frog.
Mummy frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on the leaf on the pond. Point to mummy frog, squat by the pond and jump three times to sit on the leaf by Daddy frog.
Sister Frog was hot - very, very hot. Point to Sister frog, squat by the pond and make "hot" gestures.
So Mummy frog said "Come here!" Point to Mummy frog, return to the leaf and beckon to Sister frog.
Sister Frog went jump, jump and sat on the leaf on the pond Point to Sister frog, squat by the pond and jump three times to sit on the leaf by Mummy frog.
Brother frog was hot - very, very hot. Point to Brother frog, squat by the pond and make "hot" gestures.
So Sister frog said "Come here!" Point to Sister frog, return to the leaf and beckon to Brother frog.
Brother frog went jump, jump and sat on the leaf on the pond. Point to Brother frog, squat by the pond and jump three times to sit on the leaf by Mummy frog.
Baby frog was hot - very, very hot. . Point to Baby frog,  squat by the pond  and make "hot" gestures.
So Brother frog said "Come here!" Point to Brother frog, return to the leaf and beckon to Baby frog.
Baby frog went jump, jump, jump and sat on the leaf on the pond. Point to baby frog, squat by the pond and jump three times to sit on the leaf by Brother frog.
And then - SPLASH - they all fell into the water! Start to move backwards and forwards, as if you are losing your balance and fall into the pond.
Father Frog  Mother Frog  Brother Frog Sister Frog  Baby Frog  leaf in the pond