Have you seen my yellow balloon?

(Tune of Mulberry bush)

1) Have you seen my yellow balloon, yellow balloon, yellow balloon? Have you seen my yellow balloon? -Yes, here it is.  

2) ..... red balloon  

3)..... blue balloon  

4)..... green balloon  

Red and yellow, pink and green

These songs are taken from : "Very Young Learners" by Vanessa Reilly and Sheila M. Ward  

Materials: Pieces of card: two red, two yellow, four pink, four green, one orange, one purple, and one blue

Preparation: Cut out the cards the same size  

Procedure: 1) If you are teaching colours, hold up the cards one at a time and get the children to repeat the word after you. If you are revising colours, hold up the cards one at a time and elicit the words.  

2) Stick the cards onto the blackboard in the order of the song.  

3) Chant the words with the children, pointing to the colours on the board.  

4) Then sing the song through once.  

5) The second time, encourage the children to join in.

Tune : "Here we go round the Mulberry bush - traditional  

Red and yellow, pink and green, 

Pink and green, pink and green,  

Red and yellow, pink and green  

Orange and purple and blue.

A jazz chant


Blue, blue -I like blue.

Blue, blue - What about you?


Green, green, I like green. 

Green, green, what a big bean!  

green bean

Red, red, I like red.  

Red, red, red is my bed

red bed

Black, black, I like black.  

Black, black, black is my sack.  

black sack

White, white, I like white.

White, white, white is my kite.  

white kite

Pink, pink, I like pink.  

Pink, pink, pink is my ink. 

pink ink

Brown, brown, I like brown. 

Brown, brown, let's sit down!


(taken from "Rock Chants"; Hueber)  







Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?

I see a red bird looking at me.

Red bird, red bird, what do you see?

I see a yellow duck looking at me.

Yellow duck, yellow duck, what do you see?

I see a blue horse looking at me.

yellow duck

Blue horse, blue horse, what do you see?

I see a green frog looking at me.

Green frog, green frog, what do you see?

I see a purple cat looking at me.

Purple cat, purple cat, what do you see?

I see a white dog looking at me.

White dog, white dog, what do you see?

I see a black sheep looking at me.

Black sheep, black sheep, what do you see?

I see a goldfish looking at me.

Goldfish, goldfish, what do you see?

I see a mother looking at me.

Mother, mother, what do you see?

I see beautiful children looking at me.

Children, children, what do you see?

We see a brown bear, a red bird, a yellow duck, a blue horse, a green frog, a purple cat, a white dog, a black sheep, a goldfish and a mother looking at us, that’s what we see.



Coloured chalk or a ready-made picture  

Preparation: You could draw the picture on the board while the children are watching. It should be as follows: draw some brown fields with a few trees. In the sky draw a rainbow in the same order as in the colours in the song. Around the rainbow draw some white, grey and black clouds. 


1 If you have not already prepared a picture, draw one on the board according to the description above.  

2 Teach the word rainbow. Revise the colours.  

3 Sing the song doing the mimes suggested below.  

4 Sing the song again, encouraging the children to accompany you  with the actions.  

5 Then get the children to join in with the words.  







Red and orange and green,   

yellow, purple, pink and blue,    

Black and white and grey and brown, 

These are the colours for you.


Look for the rainbow   

for the rainbow in the sky,  

for the rainbow,

for the rainbow in the sky.

Point to the colours in the rainbow you have drawn  Point to the clouds and fields.   

Sweep your hand in front of the rainbow and then point to the children.      


Point to your eye then to the rainbow and look around. Continue pointing to your eye and point to the sky. Point to your eye then to the rainbow and  look around Continue pointing to your eye and point  to the sky.




Oh, everyday is the rainbow colours - colours all around us.

Yes, every day is the rainbow colours – colours everywhere.


Show me something red now,

Like the fire-engine red now,

Do you see something red now?

Point to something red.

fire engine

Do you  see something yellow now?

Like a banana so yellow now.

Do you see something yellow now?

Oh oh, point to something yellow.


Show me something blue now,

Like the sky so blue now.

Do you see something blue now?

Point to something blue.

blue sky

Do you see something green now?

Like the grass so green now?

Do you see something green now?

Oh, oh, point to something green.

green grass

Everyday is the …….



Show me something white now.

Like the snow so white now.

Do you see something white now?

Point to something white.

white snow

Do you see something brown now?

Like the big brown bear now?

Do you see something brown now?

Oh oh, point to something brown.

brown bear

Show me something orange now.

Like a pumpkin so orange now.

Do you see something orange now?

Point to something orange.

orange pumpkin

Do you see something black now?

Like the night so black now.

Do you see something black now?

Oh, oh, point to something black.

black night

Everyday is the ….


Everyday is…


1. Sing about the colours:

red and green and blue.

I can paint with crayons

pink and yellow, too.

red green blue)



2. Blue for the sky and ocean,

yellow for the sun.

Red for lips and roses,

green for grass - have fun.


ocean sun





3. Paint an orange orange,

and my dog is black.

Candy floss is pink, and

brown is for the sack.



candy floss


4. White is for a snowman.

Stones are grey, and I

paint with all my colours:

Rainbow in the sky.



