Information for educational school teachers

EPOSTL - European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages - A reflection tool for language teacher education
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 Lehrplan - Curriculum Zusätzliche Lehrbefähigung - Berufsbezogene Fremdsprache Englisch im Bereich der Berufspädagogik 30 EC Punkte
term 1 Language Acqusition theories - GERS (Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen Sprachen) language skills - Introduction into language didactics (How to teach Grammar)
Introduction of EPOTL (European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages)
term 2 language skills - listening; cultural mediation; Planning lessons, How to teach vocabulary
term 3 language skills reading and writing (reading and writing strategies) - Using IT in the classroom - Planning and running lessons; giving feedback
term 4 Improving language competence in an English speaking country; intercultural aspects; improving language competences
term 5 Evaluation and Feedback Life Long Learning; writing your scientific paper